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Orientation Presentation

Hello Families!

We are proud to say that we had  close to 100 families join us for our orientation this past Thursday, August 24th. We thank you for your commitment and support in our efforts to start this new school year off STRONG! Attendance is our number one focus for the year. If our scholars are not present and on time, it is hard for us to ensure that we are providing them with the education they DESERVE.  This year will be powerful and filled with excellence. We have attached the link to our orientation slides to provide you with the information for the upcoming school year.

Orientation Slides

If you missed orientation, please call the school so that you can get all the required information for orientation. 

Please be reminded that we open our doors at 8:33 AM. Kindergarten scholars will meet their teachers in the front of the building while 1-4  scholars will be escorted to their designated locations.  

Best intentions,android chrome 96x2


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